Wednesday, April 24, 2013



Christian leaders fear that this is yet another excuse by the Islamic authorities in pursuance of their long term policy of eventual close down of all Christian institution and Churches across the Islamic Republic.

Quoting Christian sources in Tehran, FCNN reports of the locked church doors on Sunday 14th Apr 2013.
A phone call from the office of the Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Intelligence Organization (a section of Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic`s office), led to the cancellation of Sunday Services and closed doors.
A few days earlier one of the known agents of the Office of the Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Intelligence Organization  had called in and had “asked” the church elders of  Central Assembly of God Church in Tehran for voluntary closure of the church as, apparently 14th Apr. this year coincides with the supposed date of Fatima’s death in 623 AD
Fatima was the daughter of the prophet founder of Islam. [1]
Christian sources are of the opinion that it is but an excuse towards an eventual closure of  the churches in Iran, pointing out the fact that Iranian Churches have held Sunday services with due respect towards all religions and Shia’ traditions prevalent in the  country throughout the centuries., without any clash or difficulty, and ask: But what has happened now that the State Security organs of the Islamic Republic, and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp, run by the Office of the Supreme Leader’s Household , as well as the troubled office of The Islamic President, have suddenly thought of this as an urgent problem to be dealt with by banning Christian services in Tehran and other big cities across the Islamic run country, and why is it a necessary part of Fatimah’s mourning rituals?
They fear that this is yet another excuse by the Islamic authorities in pursuance of their long term policy of eventual close down of all Christian institution and Churches across the Islamic Republic.
 Since the raid on The Church of “ Assembly of God Church ” in Ahvaz in 2011, the intensity and frequency of waves of atrocities against Christians and Churches across the country has only accelerate.
Permanent State Security minders stationed at churches in Esfahan and Shiraz, the better to control and intimidate the Christians and deter the seekers of The Truth of Lord Jesus, and forceful introduction of ID card inspections at church entrances; are but a sample of the measures that the Islamic authorities have seen fit to enforce against Christians in the Islamic Republic.
Forced closure of Church, blanket ban of Christian classes for the new converts, closing down of Bible Bookshop, a total ban on the sale of The Holy Bible, ban of Persian language Friday Church services, and repeated recall of Church leaders, Pastors and believers to State Security barracks ; are all part  of the Islamic Regime’s concerted efforts to take over control of the churches and deliver an Islamized version of Christianity to prove their already decided outcome to the uninitiated, in the guise of a “Christian message”.
Christian leaders have consistently  objected to these destructive policies of the Islamic Regime, and are worried that these policies of the Ahmadi Nejad’s government are all signs of the regime’s long-declared determination of “cleansing” the Islamic country of Christianity, a policy proposed by “People’s President” Ahmadi Nejad during his election campaign some eight years ago.
The very “People’s President” whose personal and political corruption is now so apparent that even the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Regime, has had to distance himself from him.
A difficult task for the aging ayatollah, which had to personally interfere in the election results on behalf of Ahmadi Nejad, after the fiasco of presidential election in 2009.  

[1] There are conflicting reports of the her death; whereas majority of sources believe her death was of natural causes,  Shia’a sources have claimed that she died of injuries sustained from a severe beating she received from the 2nd  caliph, Omar.
With complete lack of irony, they never explain how her brave and fearless husband, whose title in Arabic means “The Sword of Islam”, stood by and did precisely nothing to protect is beloved wife; and then kept quiet for the rest of his life through the assassination of Omar, death of the 3rd Caliph, Othman, his 5 years of strife ridden caliphate, and unto his own assassination by a disillusioned follower some thirty years after the death of Fatimah.

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